Saturday, September 19, 2009

Joe Wilson was correct, President was not telling the truth

Not so long ago a previous adminstration and the President was being called every vile name that house & senate democrats could think of. He was called an out and out liar from the well of the house even though Bill Clinton, Al Gore, & John Kerry all said Saddam had WMD's too.
Democrats woke up calling GW Bush names and they even did it in their sleep too. Democrats forget minor details & act like alzhiemers patients when Major of Fox cable news asked them to comment on the fact that prominent democrats also claimed on the record that it was common knowledge Saddam had WMD's.
Okay that said lets ask ourselves, IS THERE A CHANCE JOE WILSON WAS CORRECT IN HIS CLAIM? It has become very clear On top of that liberal hypocracy when dems disrespected President Bush now it seems President Obama really was prevaricating when he made the claims about his proposed Health care Bill.
The president acts as if we are uneducated dolts who could not read HR 3200 if we wanted to. Oh no Mr President WE THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ THESE BILLS SO EITHER YOU ARE NOT BEING HONEST WITH AMERICA OR YOU HAVENT READ THE WHOLE BILL YOURSELF MR PRESIDENT, WHICH IS IT?
To begin with on page 16 it makes it very clear Americans will be required to change to the Govt Option,"If for any reason our present private insurance is cancelled or withdrawn or cacelled by us for any reason! The bill requires we enroll in the govt option proposed by HR3200! So under HR3200 we are not allowed to cancel or change our present coverage or private provider even if we find a less expensive one or for any reason whatsoever.
Mr President it seems you were being less than honest when you said we can keep or choose our private coverage any time we choose to? Care to explain that without going into a 2 hour diatribe about how wonderful you are first?
Oh and you know there is no provision to require legal citizen status before this bill helps illegals so you know they will sneak on just like they sneak into our country like thieves in the night! It is also why every ammendment requiring identification of citizen status was voted down by democrats .
We know you are slick Mr President, but some of us are not to easy to fool either, we have our hero Joe Wilson going to bat for us!

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